Understanding Dog Shelters

A dog shelter is an establishment, especially one supported by charitable contributions , that provides a temporary home for dogs offered for adoption. An institution that temporarily provides a home until the dog is adopted. There are many ways for dog lovers to find the right dogs. One of these options is adopting a rescued dog from one of the dog shelters. Dog shelters are full of amazing, but misunderstood dogs. ‘Misunderstood’ meaning they had had owners who did not speak dog language. Some dogs were unlucky in that, for different reasons, they lost their homes and the owners, with whom they had bonded. Some were given away, some rescued from irresponsible owners, and some got dropped off at dog shelters when their owners are moving and do not want or cannot take them along. Many dogs stay at dog shelters for months on end and some live with foster parents until they are adopted. Whichever way they end up, these dogs go through a huge ...